Antique Kurdish Rug, Sa'uj Bulagh, Eastern Kurdistan. ...

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The Kurds are one of the world's least-known ethnic groups and can be traced back to the dawn of antiquity.
Old Kurdish tribal weavings often have different dyed colours of wool weft in the same piece whereas the tribes of Sa'uj Bulagh near Sulaymania dyed the wool for their wefts, red or red-brown.
Nomadic Kurds often employed symbols such as hooked polygons within hexagonal forms, talismanic devices as well as human figures, as can be seen at the base of this exceptional rug.
Made in the environs of Sa'uj Bulagh during the third quarter of the nineteenth century, this area was famed for its fine lustrous wool and exquisite tribal rugs. The use of natural colours in this rug and exceptional white wool which can be seen in the outer minor border, shows the fabulous range of colours used by these nomads.
This rug is in very good overall condition, albeit with an evenly-low pile and a corroded brown field, which is generally found in these early rugs due to the iron-based mordant.
Nineteenth century rugs from the Kurds of Sa'uj Bolagh these days, are rare to come by, and this is truly a beautiful and very collectible rug.
Size: 2.00m x 1.30m (6' 6" x 4' 3")


Antique Karaja Rug, Karaja, North-West Persia.

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With lustrous, full thick pile and the depiction of four horses, this amazing rug has a deep indigo-blue ground with inscription and dated 1303 in the Islamic calendar, 1885 in the Solar calendar.
All vegetable colours throughout, take a look at one of the close-up photos to see the inner, minor, madder-red border containing colourful stylised chickens all the way round. Charming indeed! The main blue border depicts double-headed sunbirds - guardians of the gates of Paradise. This is an example of a very rare type from the Karaja region of north-western Persia.
Size: 1.60m x 1.24m (5' 3" x 4' 1").

Antique Kurdish Rug, Sa'uj Bolagh, Eastern Kurdistan. ...

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The Kurds of Sa'uj Bolagh produced some of the best Kurdish work up until the end of the 19th century. The wool quality in this magnificent rug is soft and lustrous and the indigo-blue field of small totemic symbols is rich and sumptuous.
Size: 2.30m x 1.34m (7' 6" x 4' 5").

Antique Kurdish Rug, Sa'uj Bulagh, Eastern Kurdistan. ...

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Absolutely magnificent!
This fabulous full-pile rug made by Kurds in the area of Sa'uj Bulagh in the mid to third quarter of the nineteenth century has beautiful, natural, saturated colours. You need to look at the detail images to really see the colour in all its glory. The dark-brown dye was mordanted and has become slightly corroded in over 100 years but this is anything but a defect - it is very attractive to the point of creating a three dimensional look to the rug.
Good Kurdish rugs like this are a rare find these days and in this rug, which has absolutely no repairs and the most wonderful glossy wool, we see a masterpiece of nomadic woven art.
Size: 2.52m x 1.20m (8' 3" x 4' 0").

Antique Hall Runner, Kurdish Tribes of Bijar, ...

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This beautiful hall runner was made by settled Kurdish tribes in the Bijar area of Persian Kurdistan circa 1900. It is in full, lustrous woollen pile throughout with a central field of stylised flowers, referred to as 'mina khani' in Persian or nectar blossom design.
Size: 5.10m x 0.92m (16' 9" x 3' 0").

Antique Kordi Corridor Carpet, Quchan Region, Khorassan, ...

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Bold, visually exciting and in mint condition, this wonderful corridor carpet was made by Kurds of Khorassan - known simply as 'Kordi' - around 1880-1900.
Size: 2.92m x 1.48m (9' 7" x 4' 10").

Antique Kordi Tribal Rug, Kurds of Quchan, ...

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This unusual rug, made by the Kurds of Quchan, generally referred to as 'Kordi' nomads, is in full pile with superb, saturated natural colours. Diagonal bands of totemic symbols fill the indigo-blue field and surrounded by a striking saffron-yellow main border. The flatwoven skirts are complete at both ends and the rug is in excellent condition.
Size: 1.63m x 0.99m (5' 4" x 3' 3").

Antique Kurdish Rug, Bijar Region, Persian Kurdistan. ...

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This fabulous Kurdish Bijar rug has a wonderful array of vegetable colours and a most attractive ivory main border comprising a continuous flower and vine, symbolising the eternal cycle of life.
The field is covered in the 'herati' pattern which consists of two fish swimming around a water lily - symbolising happiness. Made during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the rug is in excellent pile all over. This is certainly a very happy rug!
Size: 2.34m x 1.38m (7' 8" x 4' 6").

Antique Kurdish Flatweave, Kordi Tribes of Quchan, ...

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This magnificent flatweave was woven by Kordi nomads in the vicinity of Quchan in north-east Persia around 1880. The work is quite amazing and I particularly love the depiction of various birds and deer. Even the madder-red skirts at each end show a line of deer! The only other similar example of this type that I know of, is published in James Opie's 'Tribal Rugs' on page 167. I would guess this flatweave was a dowry piece and a highly prized possession.
Size: 2.06m x 1.04m (6' 9" x 3' 5").

Antique Bijar Rug, Kurdish Tribes of Bijar, ...

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Amazing golden-yellow and sky-blue border! This most unusual rug with its fabulous colour palette was made by Kurds in the region of Bijar around 1900. It is interesting to note how the central lozenge is not in fact central - but instead, the weaver must have realised she started knotting it too low down and to make up, added a larger floriate motif at the top followed by two octagons containing 8-pointed stars - symbols of spirituality and protection! This is a most charming and spontaneous designed rug and I love the two little quadrupeds in the central blue lozenge.
Size: 1.63m x 1.14m (5' 4" x 3' 9").

Antique Kordi Rug, Kurds of Khorassan, North-East ...

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During the 1500s, 4,000 Kurdish families were moved from Kurdistan to Quchan in Khorassan Province, to guard the area from invading Turkmen and Uzbeks. Their rugs and bags are quite different from those made in Kurdistan and this powerful example shows the Turkmen influence of large-scale 'guls' depicted in the aubergine field. Although evenly low in pile, this rug is a superb example of early Kordi work from the Quchan area - possibly 1860s.
Size: 2.26m x 1.57m (7' 5" x 5' 2").

Antique Senneh Rug, Kurdish Tribes of Senneh, ...

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This most decorative knotted-pile rug was made by Kurds in the region of Senneh in Persian Kurdistan around 1900-1910. All the beautiful colours are natural and the design consists of stylized roses in the central field and in the main border. The rose originated in Persia before being introduced to France and then eventually to the UK. The rug is in full pile i.e. in mint condition.
Size: 2.08m x 1.53m (6' 10" x 5' 0").